EWODOR meetings
Therapeutic communities, the International Journal of Therapeutic Communities
therapeutic communities is the international journal of the Association of Therapeutic Communities, UK; it is sponsored by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, the Institute of Mental Health and the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities.
Many of the members located within European Union members states are involved in a variety of EU funded initiatives. In addition it has been a tradition for EFTC members to provide in service training for other member colleagues at little or no cost.
Training institutes and opportunities in EFTC regions can be found through visiting members web sites. Other up to date training initiatives will appear at regular intervals in this section of the EFTC web site.
EFTC discussion list
EFTC Discussion Group – The EFTC online discussion group now has more than 200 members from all around the world. This is the only online discussion group that focuses on TCs. The list is managed by Scottish Addiction Studies on behalf of the whole TC community – you do not need to be an EFTC member to join. To join the list, click here.
Recommended books and publications
We would like to bring to your attention a brief selection of Scientific papers and recommended professional litterature, which we hope you will find of interest. The contents of these pages will be updated on a regular basis.
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- Service Standards for Addiction Therapeutic Communities
Community of Communities, a Royal College of Psychiatrists project has produced a set of service standards to enable review of TC quality and functioning. You can download a copy of the standards here. - Survey of Essential Elements Questionnaire
The SEEQ was developed at the Center for Therapeutic Community Research by Melnick and De Leon. The questionnaire is available in both short and long forms. Download the short version by clicking here. Download the full version by clicking here.
- International Journal of Therapeutic Communities
The only academic journal devoted to the publication of articles relating to therapeutic communities. The journal is partly sponsored by EFTC and one issue in each volume is dedicated to drug-free TCs. To view back issues of the journal click here. - Addiction-related Journals
The Scottish Addiction Studies network maintains a complete list of all the addictions related journals in the English language. To view the list, click here.
Martien Kooyman. Ph.D: The Limitations of Methadone and Drug Free Treatment
A forthright window into a topic which few persons have the courage to explore.
This paper was presented during the symposium ‘Hard Core Drug User’s , A Positive Challenge to Treatment Services’, hosted by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Oslo, Norway. 1999.
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Peter Martin. Chief Executive, Addaction: American Drugs Court Conference
‘Coerced Treatment’: An offer you can’t refuse’
Elected as Vice President, EFTC during the last elections Peter Martin has worked in the field of substance misuse provision for over 20 years. He began as a practitioner in a drug rehabilitation unit in London. Since June 1990, Chief Executive of Addaction ( formerly Association for the Prevention of Addiction / APA. Peter has developed Addaction to become a leading service provider in the field of community – based drug and alcohol services. He was appointed as a member of the National Parole Board in 1994 and reappointed in June 1998-2000 for a final term. He is very involved with providing quality treatment for problem drug user’s within the criminal justice system.
This paper develops the idea of flexibility in treatment provision within the criminal justice system, and explores coerced treatment.
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Rowdy Yates. Shoot out the Lights
The failure of objective reason to frame the response to drug realities. Since the dawn of civilisation, man has used herbs, plants and minerals to change the way he feels, in ritual and recreation. Some of these substances have become accepted, even valued within our cultures whilst others (usually those used by the outsider, the foreigner, the incomer) have been demonised and regarded with dread and awe. This paper provides a brief history of drug use and trends in European drug use and mythology and explores the changes in policy which have come about often by accident. The paper also discusses the notion of harm reductionist methodology and examine its historical significance. Finally the paper considers the direction in which world drug trends and current policy protocols are likely to lead us.
Uteseksjonen 30 år på gata. November 1999, ( Oslo, Uteseksjonen ) forthcoming.
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Rowdy Yates. Only Available in Black
The limiting of Addiction Services in the twentieth century. The links between drugs and music are often speculated upon, but little research has been undertaken in this interesting area. Some authors have documented public concern about the probable links (Shapiro, 1988; Yates, 1998), whilst others have examined the relationship between drug use and preferences in music genre (Forsyth, 1997). This paper considers the parallel histories of a linked group of musical genres and the use of stimulant drugs and questions whether drug treatment services are in a position to respond adequately to new trends in drug taking.
Uteseksjonen 30 år på gata. November 1999, ( Oslo, Uteseksjonen ) forthcoming.
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Salvatore Raimo BA.
Unofficial head of the EFTC Office for Diplomatic Affairs, Salvatore’s pioneering work with migrants in Europe has been inspiring. Dr. Martien Kooyman and the work of the Phoenix Centre for Traumatised Refugee’s in Holland brought a much needed awareness to the problems and methods of help available to this group. The work of Salvatore Raimo continues this vital contribution to Europe. An advocate for the under-privileged and the deprived, Salvatore reminds us how important it is to focus on the resources which emigrants bring with them and the contribution which they can make to European fellowship. As he reminds us through his work, many countries on the continent of Europe are historically populated by people who have for example migrated from cold climates to warm climates; and from hot climates to cooler zones.
This presentation is available in the German language and will also be available in the near future in English, through these pages.
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Johanna Martens, PhD.
Dr. Johanna Martens has worked for many years in the field of addiction services in Belgium and throughout Europe. She has in recent years focused on the special needs of women in treatment for substance abuse and related life issue problems, this paper presents an introduction to her work at De Spiegel therapeutic community in Belgium.
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Broekaert Eric, Van der Straten Georges, Franky D’oosterlinck, Kooyman Martien.
The Therapeutic Community for Ex-Addicts, a view from Europe.
Submitted to ‘Therapeutic Communities: The international journal for Therapeutic and Supportive Organizations’.
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The 2nd International Symposium on Substance Abuse Treatment and Special Target Groups; ‘The integration of different treatment methods’.
Paper for panel discussion, March 20-22, 2000. This symposium took place in De Haan, Belgium as a co-operation between the University of Gent, Department of Orthopedagogics and the EFTC.
In the near future other papers presented during the symposium will be available on our web site.
- Therapeutic Communities for the Treatment of Drug Users
Edited by Barbara Rawlings and Rowdy Yates.
Published by Jessica Kingsley; 2001, ISBN: 1853028177The majority of therapeutic communities treating drug abusers are ‘ concept – based ‘: they are hierarchical, and the staff and residents form a chain of command. Staff are often qualified for their work by virtue of having been residents in such communities themselves. In this authoritative new study , the authors explore the most significant differences in this concept-based approach, including their hierarchical structures, their confrontational group sessions and their total prohibition of drugs. The book also bridges the historical gap between these concept-based communities and democratic therapeutic communities, contributing significantly to the ongoing debate between them. The case studies of personal experiences of staff and residents provide an inside view of how this sort of therapeutic community actually operates. Rawlings and Yates conclude their study by looking to the future of therapeutic communities, investigating the research, funding and staff – training requirements needed for a truly effective concept – based approach. (review extract from ‘Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis’, with authors permission)
You may order this book directly from Amazon.
- ‘If it weren’t for the Alligators’. A History of Drugs, Music & Popular Culture in Manchester.
Rowdy Yates.
Published by Lifeline Publications 2001, ISBN: 0952008203‘This book will be compulsive reading for those who know Rowdy, know Lifeline or know the pioneering work of this organisation over more than 20 years. For those who lack this knowledge base the book should be compulsory reading’
(John Strang Consultant Advisor (Drugs) to the Department of Health, England)You may order this book directly from Amazon.
- Community As Method
Edited by De Leon, George
Published by Praeger Pub, 2001. ISBN 0275948188.This book presents adaptations of the therapeutic community model and method for special populations of substance abusers, and implementation in a variety of institutions and human service settings. Included are pregnant adult addicts and their children, adolescents, prison inmates and parolees, the homeless, and chronically ill clients in methadone treatment. The settings include community residence and transitional housing facilities, state prisons, county jails, homeless shelters, mental hospitals, inpatient wards and outpatient clinics, as well as community based treatment programs.
You may order this book directly from Amazon.
- The Therapeutic Community: Theory, Model, and Method
Author De Leon, George
Published by Springer Pub Co; 2000, ISBN: 0826113494This newly published volume provides a single theoretical framework for therapeutic communities for addictions and related problems. Its uniform approach to the subject makes this volume accessible to mainstream public health, science, and education fields. A comprehensive formulation of the TC, this volume is the product of clinical and research experience within the long-term residential TC, commonly viewed as the ‘traditional’ model. With its documented effectiveness, the traditional model of the TC serves as the prototype for the current diversity of TCs.
This book has now been translated into Norwegian. You may buy it at www.universitetsforlaget.no
- The Therapeutic Community for Addicts
Intimacy, Parent Involvement and Treatment Success.
Author : Martien Kooyman.
Published by, Swets & Zeitlinger, ISBN 90 265 1358 5.Dr. Martien Kooyman, is the founder of Emiliehoeve Therapeutic Community in Den Haag, Netherlands. Docent at the University of Rotterdam, consultant and trainer throughout Europe: Hon. Vice President of the EFTC is acknowledged as a leading authority in both drug free and methadone treatment of addiction. This book is essential reading for professionals and non-professionals who are interested in the field of addiction services. The book underlines the importance of learning to cope with fears of intimacy, rejection and reports how the involvement of families can impact positively on treatment outcome.
You may order this book directly from Amazon.
- The Hepatitis C Handbook
Author Matthew Dolan. Edited by: Iain M Murray-Lyon MD.
Published by Catalyst Press, ISBN 0 9529509 2 8.This is the second edition of the original, definitive guide to this prevalent and serious illness. Fully updated and nearly doubled in size, it explains clearly what hepatitis C actually is, the course of the disease, associated symptoms, how it is transmitted, the process of response to a diagnosis,what treatments are available, which lifestyle changes may help and why. Complete with numerous contributions from internationally renowned experts and patients themselves, edited for medical accuracy, this book is essential reading for all concerned with, or affected by hepatitis C.
You may order this book directly from Amazon.
- Maintenance Treatment of Heroin Addiction – Evidence at the Crossroads
Edited by Helge Waal and Egil Haga.
Published by Cappelen; 2004, ISBN 8202226511Although maintenance treatment of heroin addiction has been an accepted approach for more than thirty years, practice and guidelines vary considerably. Accordingly, we should scrutinise our choices in light of scientific evaluation, which leads to the key questions of this book: What are beliefs and what are facts in the field? What is “good” and effective treatment according to recent research? Introductory chapters on the neurobiological basis for opiate dependence and an overview of maintenance treatment in Europe are followed by discussions of recent research on the following key issues:
- choice of medication
- choices in programme structure (choice of medication, dosage and control procedures)
- maintenance treatment in different settings, such as maintenance in seriously ill addicts, comorbid psychiatric diseases, different vocational settings, in pregnancy and related to car driving
- integration of maintenance treatment and psychosocial approaches
The contributors: Mary Jeanne Kreek, Michael Farrell, Lubomir Okruhlica, Emilis Subata, Berit Mørland, Mats Berglund, Björn Axel Johansson, Michael Gossop, Thomas Kosten, Michael Krausz, Ambros Uchtenhagen, Markus Heilig, Wim van den Brink, Peter Ege, Marc Reisinger, Marc Auriacombe, John E Berg, Icro Maremmani, Miriam Gargiulo, Alfred Springer, Mari Trommald, Jørg Mørland, George De Leon, Thomas McLellan, Olav Espegren, Sivert Follesø.
The editors: Helge Waal is Professor of Addiction Medicine at the University of Oslo. Egil Haga was coordinator of the 5th Conference of the European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association (May 2002), of which this anthology is a follow-up.
You may order this book directly from Cappelen (Norway).
Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association
The Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association has established a new web site. ATCA is the umbrella organisation for addiction TCs in Australia and New Zealand.
Center for Therapeutic Community Research: New York, USA
As the national center for the study of therapeutic communities ( TCs), substance abuse and related issues, the Center for Therapeutic Community Research ( CTCR ) conducts systematic research on refining techniques and improving the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, it focuses on modifying the unique therapeutic community approach to special populations and settings such as mentally ill chemical abusers ( MICAs ) in community residences, adolescent substance abusers in residential TCs, and criminal offenders in corrections facilities. The CTCR is redefining an assessment instrument for measuring readiness for treatment, developing a system for classifying TC programme’s, and establishing a national TC database.
Community of Communities
Community of Communities is a quality improvement network developed within the Centre for Quality Improvement at the Royal College of Psychiatrists in London. In consultation with Addiction TC practitioners, client members and other experts in the field, the CoC has developed a set of Service Standards for Addiction Therapeutic Communities 1st Edition Community of Communities has also been in the process of mapping TC’s worldwide.
Department of Orthopedagogics of Ghent University
The Department of Ortopedagogics of Ghent University, [ Belgium] has a long tradition in doing Therapeutic Community Research. It provides courses on substance abuse at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level. It’s web site gives full information [ in English and Dutch ] of their current activities.
European Association for the Treatment of Addiction
Provides services which “Help ensure people with substance dependencies get the treatment they need”. They also provide seminars and short course training for professionals in the region.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, is a major European clearing house for drugs and addiction information. The EMCDDA is based in Lisbon and is responsible for mapping drug trends and activity across Europe, commissioning research, producing guidance and maintaining a database of documents and instruments.
European Working group On Drugs Oriented Research (EWODOR)
The European Federation of Therapeutic Communities enjoys close working contact with the European Working group On Drug Oriented Research (EWODOR). The EWODOR web site and mailbase provides an up to date channel of information and resources from within the international drug and alcohol fields. Membership of the mailbase is free.
Mirabel Foundation
The Mirabel Foundation is an Australian, charitable organisation which serves to provide help for those children who have lost their parent(s) due to drug overdose. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Jane Row at Mirabel Foundation.
Scottish Addiction Studies
Scottish Addiction Studies, at the University of Stirling provides a number of on-line courses. The centre also maintains a huge on-line library including a number of TC reports and documents.
World Federation of Therapeutic Communities
The European Federation of Therapeutic Communities is an associate federation member of the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities (WFTC). The WFTC, it’s member’s and world wide therapeutic community information can be found at:
David Turner
David Turner, EFTC Board Member and long-time supporter of the recovery movement and European TCs, died 28th June 2014
Griffith Edwards
Griffith Edwards, founder of Phoenix Futures and pioneer of the European TC movement, died Thursday, 13th September 2012
Jim Cumberton
Jim Cumberton, former Executive Chairman of Coolmine TC, Ireland and former board member, EFTC and WFTC. Died Thursday, 20th January 2011
Don Mario Picchi
Don Mario Picchi, co-founder of CeIS Roma, founding father of EFTC and a remarkable campaigner for humane drug treatment in Italy. Died Saturday, 29th May 2010
Prof. Dr. Eric Broekaert
Prof. Dr. Eric Broekaert, Founder of TC De Kiem. Founder and first president of EFTC. Founder and first president of EWODOR. Died September 28th 2016.
Rowdy Yates
Rowdy Yates, past president of the EFTC. He was a teacher, a researcher, a mentor, a musician, a role model, a leader, and a confidant. A giant figure of the Therapeutic Community movement in Europe. Died on 14th February 2022.
Naya Arbiter
Naya Arbiter has become an irreplaceable American leader of therapeutic communities around the world. Co-founder of Amity Foundation. Died on 13th March 2022.